HKIPM Position Statement on the Use of Patient Shielding During Diagnostic Radiological Examination
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An accreditation team lead by Dr. Colin Orton from the International Medical Physics Certification Board (IMPCB) visited Hong Kong for accreditation of the Medical Physics Certification Board of Hong Kong Institution of Physicists (HKIPM) in Medicine during 10-11 November 2015. During the visit, the accreditation team met with HKIPM Councilors and Committee Chairs, visited two medical physicist training centres, met with trainees, medical physicists certified by HKIPM, trainers and the management. On conclusion of the visit, IMPCB issued an announcement confirming HKIPM fully complies with the requirements for accreditation. A certificate of accreditation was awarded to HKIPM at a ceremony held on 11 November 2015.
Press release
Information about IDMP:
The International Organizations for Medical Physics (IOMP) has designated 7 November the International Day of Medical Physics. The Organization has organized a series of activities to mark this meaningful day, which is the birthday of Marie Sklodowska-Curie. Details are given in IOMP website: